This is our first installment of Wednesdays with Wheels! He gives a brief description of what you should expect at the Trail Clinic this Sunday, November 3rd! Check back next week to see what he has to say next.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Hills--Your New Best Friend?

RunnersConnect is a team of expert coaches and fellow runners—according to them running hill
sprints is a good way to improve your pace, and make you an all-around more
efficient runner by increasing the power and length of your stride. This enables
you to cover more ground with each stride using less energy. Hill sprinting
enhances neuromuscular fitness, which is the communication between the brain
and the muscles. Stride frequency, stride length, and resistance to fatigue all
depend on the efficiency of communication between the brain and muscles.
Hill sprints generate high leg turnover and enable you to
push your body without actually running that fast. In other words, it is very
similar to a speed workout on flat ground, but lessens the chance of an injury.
I’m sure ‘hill
sprints’ sound a little intimidating, but we’re only talking about one to three
8-12 second bursts of fast running. After that, you get to rest for 2-3 minutes
to make sure you are fully recovered before starting another one.
The hill doesn't have to be super steep either. It just
needs to be between a 6 to 10% gradient, that’s only about a 3-6 degree
So now that you have all the facts, here’s how to
incorporate it into your workout:
- Start off with just one or two 8-second sprints on a 6-8% gradient
- Allow enough time to fully (2-3 minutes) recover in between each sprint—you want to give max effort for each sprint
- Do not try to do too much too soon
- Allow time for you to build up before doing several set-- the effort exerted during these sprints places a great amount of stress on the muscles, tendons, and ligaments
- Make sure you do a proper warm up of an easy 1 or 2 miles and an appropriate cool down
- Two sessions a week are sufficient to see quick results
- Increase the number of sprints before increasing the duration
Visit the link below if you’d like to read the whole
Happy Running!
Thursday, October 17, 2013
My First (And What I Swore Was My Last) Marathon Experience
Like most college kids, peer pressure plays a major role in
decisions that are made. For me, it was running a marathon my sophomore
year. I had joined the UC Running Club
where I met ‘crazies’ just like myself—people who enjoyed running.
After running with them for a full year, they convinced me
to sign up for the Flying Pig Marathon, I was stoked. I enjoyed all of my
training and had plans (or hopes) to finish at a 3:30 pace. Everything was fine
and dandy, until a week and two days before the race—I signed up to give blood
at work (Mistake #1). The next day after giving blood I went out for a run and
realized what I had done.
I tried to make up for it by eating more, my desperate
attempt to erase the stupid decision I had made. I ended up eating too much
pasta the night before (Mistake #2) which resulted in my being up half the
night throwing up (gross I know, sorry!). The only thing I was able to eat in
the morning was half of a banana (Mistake #3).
When my friend (training partner) and I arrived downtown, we
did not have enough time to use the restroom before the gun went off (Mistake
#4). One mile into the race I had to stop at one of the porta-potties and told
my friend that I’d catch up (Mistake #5)—I never caught up.
For the first 6 miles I was feeling pretty good. I was
excited to finally be running in an actual marathon and it was when I saw my family members for the first time with signs cheering for me. I was having a good time..until
mile 8.
Mile 8 was the beginning of the end. I started feeling my
energy levels drain. I found myself looking forward to the Gatorade stops
because it meant I could put calories into my body, I didn’t bring any Energy
Gels with me (Mistake #3 probably, but we’ll keep it in order, #6). By the half marathon mark I was ready to quit;
you should not be feeling as bad as I did at mile 13. I began telling myself that the next time I
saw my parents (my dad should probably be considered a pro marathon spectator
because they were ALL over the place) I was going to stop and quit.
Well, I
didn’t see them for quite a few miles and I reminded myself that I had already
bought a 26.2 sticker for my car. I told myself that I was closer to finishing
a marathon then, than I would have been if I stopped and had to train all over
again…it worked, for a few miles anyway.
By the time I was at mile 16 I was dead set in stopping, but
then I saw my old cross country coach, and since I had never stopped running in
front of him before, I wasn’t planning on starting then.
The next time I saw my parents I was at mile 19 and I was
feeling pretty okay. I yelled out to them “I think I can do it!” and trudged
on. At mile 20 or 21 I grabbed a GU they were handing out, unfortunately it was
coffee flavored (Mistake #7) and since my stomach was still bothering me I
barely got half of it down.
By this point, my energy levels were depleted and I was
running on empty, my legs were tightening up, I was in pain, and my feet were
barely moving. I finally decided I was going to walk. As it turns out
my friend Bryce was right—walking hurt WAY worse than running (or what I was
considering running anyway).
Somehow I made it to mile 25 and that’s where my high school
cross country coach’s husband found me. He was helping run people to the end. We chatted for a little while, he asked me how
I was doing, I told him I was never going to do it again, he laughed and informed
me that most people say that. He left me with .2 miles to go, I miraculously mustered
up a smile for the camera at the end and crossed the finish line in 3:43:58. I
Wanted To Die.
Luckily my parents found me because no way was I in any
shape to venture off to find them. My dad had to hold me up at one point
because I almost fell over. I told my sister that if I EVER said I wanted to
run another one, then she was to tell me NO. I swore to myself I would never do
it again, and I have stuck to that for 3 years, but then I got a job here…
I plan to run another marathon in the spring and hopefully
have a much better experience the 2nd time around.
Now, I didn’t
write this to discourage or scare anyone away from running a marathon. I wrote this in hopes
that you all wouldn’t make the same mistakes that I did. Also, if you find
yourself feeling like poop on race day, you know that you are not alone. Even with
everything that went wrong, I still finished and you can too!
Good luck to everyone a marathon on Sunday!
Happy Running!
Monday, October 7, 2013
Cross Country--The Spectator Sport That Too Many People Don't Know About
you think of a sport to watch football, basketball, and baseball usually come to mind, right? People typically describe these sports as
exciting, intense, and all around entertaining to watch. They have favorite
teams or players, fantasy leagues and jerseys--people live for football season.
Personally, I think someone needs to create a fantasy league for cross country.
Points could be scored by how many people each runner passes, the amount of
time dropped from previous races, place (obviously), and total time. Cross
country is just as (or in my biased opinion, more) exciting as any other.

Cross country
is considered a non-contact sport, but in reality, there can be a lot of
contact that goes on among runners. It could be anywhere from elbowing to spiking.
Runners can trip, get trampled, or fall down a hill in the woods. Anything could happen in a span of 3.1 miles.
Happy Running (or Spectating)!
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